Posted on 7/29/2022

Keeping a big investment, like a Ferrari, running at its best is essential. A regular tune-up can not only help your Ferrari run smoothly, but it can save some gas and help you prevent major repairs before they can happen. What are some symptoms your car may need a tune-up? What Happens During a Tune-Up The following things are checked and replaced when needed during a tune-up. Spark plugs and wires: When spark plugs or wires break down, your car does not run smoothly. Coils: Coils are also checked to make sure the electrical system in your vehicle is working properly. Filters: Air, gas and oil filters need routine replacement. Belts: Belts are inspected for cracks and signs of weakness. Hoses: Hoses are inspected for holes, cracks or weak spots. Fluids: Fluids are checked and topped off. Signs a Tune Up is Needed There are several things you can look for indicating your car may need a tune-up. These include: Check Engine Light: If your check engine light comes on, something ... read more