Posted on 1/30/2023

Classic, vintage, antique – they are all synonymous with one another, right? When you use them in a sentence, they may be interchangeable. However, for car fanatics, they are not all the same thing. In the automotive world, they are different depending on the year the car was built or the age of the car. A classic car is a term used for any car that is 20 years or older. A vintage car is coined for automobiles that were manufactured between 1919 and 1930. An antique car is any vehicle that is 45 years or older. The criteria for State DMVs, insurance companies, and even classic car clubs vary from one another. In some scenarios, there may be an overlap between classics and antiques and vintage cars. In the insurance field, a classic car should have its original design in order to qualify for the classification. It must not have any modern additions or replacements. Vintage vehicles, on the other hand, do not have to be in their original condition. They can be lifted, modded ... read more